Alumni Scuba Program

  • Finished your Scuba program but not yet taken your open water dives and you want more practice/play time?

  • Have your certification but haven’t been in the water for a while?

  • Have some new equipment that you want to try in the pool before using it in Open Water?

  • Have a new underwater camera you need to practice with?

  • Just need a nice relaxing night in the pool Scuba diving?

Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions we can help you with a Monday evening pool session at Farmingdale College. These sessions are a great way to keep your Scuba skills at their best.

If you wish to do a pool session please you can also register by phone or in person at Tiedemann’s Diving Center of Levittown.

Pool session only with all your own equipment - $40
Pool session using a Tiedemann’s tank only - $45
Pool session using Tiedemann’s equipment and tank - $50

Need some extra attention? You can have your own instructor to work with you for the pool session for $80.

There is a $10 discount on all the above prices for the following:

  1. Current Long Island Groupers dive club members

  2. Graduates of the open water pool/lecture program who have not yet done their open water dives

  3. Friends and family of a current student in open water diver program

  4. Divers signed up for any Tiedemann’s Diving Center advanced courses being offered

  5. Members of a volunteer fire companies and police officers

Tiedemann’s equipment includes: regulator, BC, Octopus, gauges, weights and wet suit.

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