Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you find the information helpful and if we can help just contact us. Teaching people to safely Scuba Dive has been our mission for years and everyone at Tiedemann’s Diving Center is committed to just that.
As you visit our site remember you can always come back to this page by clicking our logo. If you do not see our menu to the right of our logo, click on the “hamburger” icon to the right. Clicking it will bring up the menu that links to all our great content.
If you are planning to visit us at the shop, you will always find our shop hours at the top of this page. We do a lot of teaching and our hours can vary from week to week.
Jeanne & Ed Tiedemann
Florida Adventure 2025
When it is January here on Long Island I think all of us would like to be somewhere else. To that end most of the Tiedemann’s teaching staff head South and you are invited.
Each January for the past 50 years plus we have left Long Island behind (for a short time) and headed South. Over the years we have found that diving in Florida during January can be tricky. Since all ocean diving is done by boat, windy days can make going out hit or miss. If we are going all the way to Florida, we want something that is more or less guaranteed.
The Springs of Florida are pretty much, guaranteed. We developed this trip into a great, long weekend, trip. With 3 solid days of diving and an added bonus of a snorkeling trip with the Manatees on the day we fly home.
The video that is playing at the top of our pages is from a 2018 on which we were able to get video of the Manatees from the air and underwater.
Check it out on YouTube…
If you want to join us, we are doing the trip on January 8 (Wednesday) to January 12 (Sunday) in 2025. Our dive days are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with Sunday morning for our snorkeling with the Manatees.
A lot of details can be found in our flyer below. Check it out and contact us if you have any questions.
Florida Springs and Manatee January 8 to 12, 2025
Upcoming Classes
Open Water Diver
Tiedemann’s Diving Center offers a very flexible teaching program that will help you to learn how to Scuba Dive. The first step is to become an Open Water Diver. We work with you personally to create an Open Water Diver course that works to meet your schedule. The course can start anytime. Click the link above, Open Water Diver, for more details. Call us if you have any questions or you want to set up an appointment to start your underwater adventure, 516-796-6560.
Keep up with all the latest news on our classes, trips, and events.
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Monday Night Scuba
“This is what the dive community has needed for years.”
New Farmingdale Aquatic Center
We are happy to share with you the exciting news that the Long Island dive community now has something it has needed for a long time. We now have access to a beautiful pool at the new Farmingdale Aquatic Center. This is a great pool that we can use to keep our skills up, try out new equipment, practice our underwater photography, work with our dive buddy so our diving goes smoothly, the list goes on and on.
These pool sessions are available to all certified divers. These pool sessions are available to certified/insured instructors with their student(s). These pool sessions are available to the dive community during our off season, so we can keep our skills at their best. These sessions are available to divers so they will be ready for the great dive adventure they have planned for this Winter. As you can see this is great for the dive community and we hope we can make it an ongoing program.
The setup is simple - for $100 a diver will get 3 two hour pool sessions at the new Aquatic Center. Everyone in the pool has to be registered with Farmingdale Continuing Education.
The program is offered during the Fall (3 sessions starting end of September), Winter (1 session at the end of January), Spring (3 sessions starting at the end of February, and Summer (one session at the beginning of June).
The next session is January 27, February 3, and 10, 2025.
Please keep in mind that group sizes are limited, register early.
Rental equipment is available from us, Tiedemann’s Diving Center.
To register, stop into Tiedemann’s Diving Center. We will get you registered and go over all the details.
Introduction to Technical
Our Intro to Tech (Introduction to Technical Diving) Course introduces the diver to the equipment, skills and expertise required to transition into technical diving. This course is required as a preparatory course for our Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures courses.
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with technical gear configurations, enhance open water diving skills and introduce students to advanced gas planning techniques within a no-decompression context. Some of the skills covered in this program include: technical diving equipment, equipment streamlining and configuration, line reel techniques, lift bag deployment as a contingency up-line, anti-silting finning techniques, advanced propulsion techniques, buddy assistance scenarios, buoyancy and trim exercises, situational awareness, gas depletion drills, and more!